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Bird watching | Eagle Point Resort

Are there eagles in Eagle Point Resort?

Known as the Philippine's premier dive resort in Batangas, are there eagles, too, in Eagle Point Resort? This is the question that first popped out of my mind upon hearing the invitation from my sister to come with them. It was year 2005, when my itchy feet first landed on EPR's acquired Sepoc Beach. Sepoc Beach Center is EPR' s private island and its about 20 minute boat ride from the main resort. For snorkeling novice like me, i considered it already a great one for its extensive coral reef garden lies not far away from the beach. 

Meanwhile, to answer the question, YES. In fact, EPR is named after the white-hooded kites that play and hunt the area. 

Luckily, i was able to saw some birds flocking freely in one of the island's secluded area. But, i'm not a birdie expert, so I'm not sure what kind of bird specie it is.

I guess it was between 2PM to 3PM, (I'm not wearing a watch) when I begun hearing some noises from birds. Out of curiousity, i followed these winged creatures flew from one tree to another, until finally discovered to where they flocked! It was a mixed reaction of amazement and fear! Amazement, for that's one of a kind experience! Fear, because I've realized I am alone, and well, a few meters away from the main cottage. So i hurriedly went back. My only regret was that, i didn't bring my handy video camera when i followed them.       

That was five years ago. 

Thanks to my sister, for she invited me again to EPR. A lot of things changed in five years. Cottages are renovated, there are more deluxe rooms now than before, and there is an additional  swimming pool, located on the south-end of the resort.

Once again, I have experienced birdwatching. But, by this time, it is BIRD WATCHING in CAGES! :-) Yes, these birds are in cages. EPR has a walk-through aviary now, in which they say is the largest aviary among Batangas. Pheasants, hawks, albino peacock and a gang of toucans complete the line up of their tropical birds collection.

Come-backing with a vengeance, i have my camera with me, ALL THE TIME. 

Below are some of my photo shoots for these tropical birdies,   

snobbish in personal!

i luv these birds, friendly, and are not camera-shy!
No, it's not chicken!
By the way, right next to the children's pool and playground, (yes, EPR has children's playground, too), is a butterfly park. So, for butterfly lovers out there, you may check out their collections and see in person these multicolored butterflies fluttering their wings throughout the netted park. 

camera whore, searchin' for butterflies?

My trip to EPR is not complete for we didn't visit the Sepoc Island again. T'was only a day tour, so there's really no more time, and the tide is high. 

So, i wonder how the island looks right now? Are there still birds wandering across the sky?...


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