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Eagle Point Resort | Quick Escape from Work Chaos


When hassles of everyday life start to overwhelm, it is comforting to know we can escape to the warm sun and surf or swim on a beach. Luckily, Philippines has a wide great choices of beach destination located in all parts of the country...   

And really lucky me, for i'm residing in Laguna, i can choose to escape quickly either to Tagaytay or  Batangas. I preferred Tagaytay but my family opt for Batangas. T'was then a two hours drive from our place to Eagle Point Resort in Barrio Bagalagit, Mabini Batangas. Consulting google map, EPR is situated on the tip of the Calumpang Peninsula and on the Southern part of Balayan Bay.  

Pinoy Trivia: Locals calls the town Bagalagit, from the word Bagalangit, meaning "Almost heaven"...

EPR is about 6hectares of slopping land, the biggest resort in Bagalangit. Being at the tip of the Calumpang Peninsula, it has one of the best view of the seascape.

On the road to EPR is a parched land, and no signs of the sea at first. You may think you're lost already, but hold on to your seat because you're not! A sign that you are already near ? - a  rocky road along with dry brambles and grass weeds! 
The road goes down more steeply and zigzags through trees.

Guests are being welcomed with drinks. The lobby opens up to the sea. 

photo courtesy of

The Main core (restaurant & bar), is built in patterned to the Samoan Long House.


Looking at the main core's interior is graced with elevated ceiling supported by Narra timber and trusses. Have you ever seen a gecko? Well, gecko or tuko wanders here at Eagle Point everynight. 

main lobby

The main core restaurant & bar serves Continental, Oriental & Filipino food. Such a lovely place wherein you can fine dine while enjoying the view of the sea. 

While waiting for our lunch, i feels so dreamy and sleepy watching wonderful seascape. I feels so close to nature and feels my soul get rejuvenated and  my body re-energized.  

Our sumptous food for merienda - fettuccine, clubhouse sandwich and potato fries   

Prices for the meal are between P100-200. But, since we availed the day tour package, meals were already included in the P1800/person. Waiters are attentive and friendly.     

Our fun activities in Eagle Point Resort 

  • Birdwatching (in cage!)

After dropping our bags to our room, we headed right away to their aviary and see their collection of birds.Pheasants, hawks, albino peacock and a gang of toucans complete the line up of their tropical birds collection. I love toucans for they are friendly and ready to pose with your camera! Click here to see my post on "Birdwatching"

  •  Play Games
The weather's hot, and is unhealthy to skin, so I decided not to swim in the pool until 2PM. I stayed for a while in their game room, and tried playing billiards for the 1st time.  

There are still other options: darts, table tennis, and they have tennis court, too. 

  • Swimming (in pool)
Eagle Point is a dive resort, so it is inadvisable to swim on resort's beach side for its too rocky. If you want to swim on the beach, you need to transfer on their private island, that's about 15-20 minutes boatride. I am referring to their Sepoc Beach Center, its a white-sand beach, plus a nice place for  snorkeling. I've been there 5 years ago, and we really enjoyed our stay there. However we didn't go there this time for our budget is limited. Boat ride will cost P1400 round trip/boat/8persons.     

So, we just indulge ourselves to their 3 fresh water pools...

photo courtesy of

  • Snorkeling
For novice snorkelers like me, EPR has especially made a salt-water pool, wherein you can swim together with the baby sharks, sea-turtles and other sea creatures, so it feels like you're in a sea.

I am referring to the "Reef pool".  The pool has sandy bottom and is 12ft deep.  

This is great for those who are afraid to swim/snorkel in an open sea. It also serves as a training pool for novice divers. By the way, the charge is P500/hour for snorkeling.

But of course, there is nothing like snorkeling in an open sea...

  • Diving (ooppps, just day dreaming)

If you want to learn basics or introductory of diving, 'Safety Stop Dive Shop'  charges around P3000 net/per person.

 Anybody out there to teach me for free??? Kindly use the email form from my "About me" section.. :-) 

  • Sunset Viewing

Isn't it a breath taking piece of nature where the land meets the sea?

Ohh and i always and will always admire the beauty of sunset! Though it means saying goodbye to the beauty of the day, it may also means hope for a new beginning of another beautiful day... 

T'was 6PM when we waved goodbye to Eagle Point, feeling rejuvenated and re-charged for the next battle of life...    

Budget ~ estimated cost of our day tour

  • Gasoline ~
  • SLEX Toll fee ~
  • Day tour package ~ P1800 net/ person, inclusions as follows:
          - entrance fee & parking fee
          - drinks upon arrival
          - lunch & afternoon snack
          - complimentary use of cabana as changing/locker room (subject to room availability)
          - use of all common facilities in the resort (swimming pool, reef pool, children's playground, 
            billiards, table tennis, darts, aviary & butterfly park visits, & fish feeding at reef pool.
  • Optional : Boatride to Sepoc ~ P1400 /boat/ roundtrip/ max 8persons per boat
  • Optional : Snorkeling ~ P500 net /hour
  • Optional : Kayak ~P450 net /kayak/hour
  • Optional : Diving intro ~P3000 /net

For bookings/discounted rate you may email directly to or call 02-5248225

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