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For whom do you rise (Para Kanino Ka Bumabangon)

One Tuesday morning, I woke up terrified.... Not because of the nightmare or dreams I had; but because of the sudden pain I felt on my spine. I can't get up or rise so I've tried moving my hips slowly and sidewardly, but it's so painful that I gave up trying. And so I remained lying for minutes, teary eyed and praying. At that moment, i felt like a half-paralyzed.

,,.Paranoia starts filling me. Does God punished me for not showing up in church for 5 consecutive Sundays? Why suddenly i can't move? Why does it hurts so much? Is it because of my scoliosis? How frequent will i experience this? What if it gets worst? Do i have to use brace or inject something to my spinal cord?...

"Pinky..Its past 7AM now. You will be late for work. Are'nt you going to office? Get up now, else your coffee will be cold. ".

It's my mother's voice, from an out of nowhere.

And so I answered back.

"Yes, I'm going,"

and so I slowly rise up...

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