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On Friends Drifting Apart

Not all friendships are bound to last forever...or perhaps not all friendships are meant to endure at the same intensity, or endure at all.

Over the years, I've met so many people and had many friends. Some were little more than acquaintances while others became really close friends. A number of them drifted apart from me, and me from them. Others because its my choice to let them go for I don't feel them anyway. Some were because life is too busy to keep in touch. Then there's a few, that I don't know why we don't talk much anymore. Sheer neglect ? Outgrowing each other? Perhaps. The friendship isn't the same as what is once was...

One time when i was online on my Yahoo Messenger, a message pops in asking how am I doing? I responded I'm OK and after a few questions asking about each other there came an awkward silence, a long silence,,, to which I came up with some lame excuse saying I have to go or take a break ..At this point, it is me, who feels guilty..

Why am I writing this post? Nothin'. Just a thought...
OK. Its because I'm guilty, and sh**, I'm now missing a few of them....

/done draft 9/24/2010.

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